Dream Because. You Can
Nature's View

Jan 5, 2024
Edmond Anthony

Jan 5, 2024
Edmond Anthony
To People That Want to Change Something In Their Life This Year
To People That Want to Change Something In Their Life This Year
I know what you’re thinking… Changing your paradigm is too hard. So I have a suggestion for you… Instead of trying to change your entire paradigm, focus on just one part of it. A part where you can start to see better results very quickly. I’m talking about paying attention to how you use your time. I guarantee if you become more mindful of how you spend your precious moments, you’ll enjoy a fuller, happier, more prosperous life. So let’s concentrate on just that for now.
I know what you’re thinking… Changing your paradigm is too hard. So I have a suggestion for you… Instead of trying to change your entire paradigm, focus on just one part of it. A part where you can start to see better results very quickly. I’m talking about paying attention to how you use your time. I guarantee if you become more mindful of how you spend your precious moments, you’ll enjoy a fuller, happier, more prosperous life. So let’s concentrate on just that for now.

Jan 31, 2024
Edmond Anthony

Jan 31, 2024
Edmond Anthony
Update Your Mindset and Upgrade Your Life
Update Your Mindset and Upgrade Your Life
Have you ever wondered why many really bright people struggle in life? Or why sometimes, when we give something everything we’ve got, we just can’t seem to make it happen? Well, after several years of trying to figure it out, I was finally able to piece everything together. My interest in this topic began nearly 60 years ago after I experienced a life transformation. Up until that point, I had been chugging along in life—just like everyone I knew. I was a high school dropout with a series of dead-end jobs.
Have you ever wondered why many really bright people struggle in life? Or why sometimes, when we give something everything we’ve got, we just can’t seem to make it happen? Well, after several years of trying to figure it out, I was finally able to piece everything together. My interest in this topic began nearly 60 years ago after I experienced a life transformation. Up until that point, I had been chugging along in life—just like everyone I knew. I was a high school dropout with a series of dead-end jobs.

Jan 3, 2024
Edmond Anthony

Jan 3, 2024
Edmond Anthony
Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash: What's the Difference?
Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash: What's the Difference?
Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency that achieved public awareness. It began as a payment method outside the control of governing bodies or other third parties. Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency created from a Bitcoin blockchain fork, which occurs when users resist change or reprogram a blockchain to operate the way they want it to. Bitcoin cash forked in 2017 after developer and user disagreements about the direction Bitcoin was heading.
Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency that achieved public awareness. It began as a payment method outside the control of governing bodies or other third parties. Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency created from a Bitcoin blockchain fork, which occurs when users resist change or reprogram a blockchain to operate the way they want it to. Bitcoin cash forked in 2017 after developer and user disagreements about the direction Bitcoin was heading.

Jan 1, 2024
Edmond Anthony

Jan 1, 2024
Edmond Anthony
Why Being Illogical is a Good Thing
Why Being Illogical is a Good Thing
How much do you plan to improve this year? Most people expect a gradual improvement in their performance and to receive a 2-10 percent increase in their pay or income as a result. However, in You2, Price Pritchett indicates that you don’t have to settle for systematic improvements where you move from one level of achievement to the next. He says you can make an “explosive jump” in your performance that puts you far beyond the next logical step.
How much do you plan to improve this year? Most people expect a gradual improvement in their performance and to receive a 2-10 percent increase in their pay or income as a result. However, in You2, Price Pritchett indicates that you don’t have to settle for systematic improvements where you move from one level of achievement to the next. He says you can make an “explosive jump” in your performance that puts you far beyond the next logical step.

Dec 10, 2023
Edmond Anthony

Dec 10, 2023
Edmond Anthony
3 Common Paradigms That Block Success
3 Common Paradigms That Block Success
This post isn’t just about you. It’s also about me… And most everyone else on the planet who wants to be, do or have more. Throughout my life, I’ve faced plenty of success-blocking paradigms. However, of all my harmful paradigms, the most damaging thing I used to believe was: What I think of myself doesn’t matter. I thought what other people think of me was what would make or break me. “They” would decide how much money I would make, what kind of relationships I could have, and how far I would go in life.
This post isn’t just about you. It’s also about me… And most everyone else on the planet who wants to be, do or have more. Throughout my life, I’ve faced plenty of success-blocking paradigms. However, of all my harmful paradigms, the most damaging thing I used to believe was: What I think of myself doesn’t matter. I thought what other people think of me was what would make or break me. “They” would decide how much money I would make, what kind of relationships I could have, and how far I would go in life.

Nov 17, 2023
Edmond Anthony

Nov 17, 2023
Edmond Anthony
6 Habits That Shift Your Paradigm and Upgrade Your Life
6 Habits That Shift Your Paradigm and Upgrade Your Life
There are four kinds of people in this world: those who make things happen those who watch things happen those who wonder what happened those that don’t know that anything happened! I love that quote from Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics. So, which group do you fall in? Although most people fall into the second, third, or fourth groups, I made up my mind a long time ago to be someone who makes things happen.
There are four kinds of people in this world: those who make things happen those who watch things happen those who wonder what happened those that don’t know that anything happened! I love that quote from Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics. So, which group do you fall in? Although most people fall into the second, third, or fourth groups, I made up my mind a long time ago to be someone who makes things happen.

Sep 30, 2023
Edmond Anthony

Sep 30, 2023
Edmond Anthony
What’s a Cultural Paradigm?
What’s a Cultural Paradigm?
What do cultures and paradigms have in common? A lot more than you might think. You and I have paradigms. We also have different a culture. However, a culture doesn’t have a paradigm; it is a paradigm. Culture is nothing but a group habit
What do cultures and paradigms have in common? A lot more than you might think. You and I have paradigms. We also have different a culture. However, a culture doesn’t have a paradigm; it is a paradigm. Culture is nothing but a group habit

Oct 14, 2023
Edmond Anthony

Oct 14, 2023
Edmond Anthony
What is Bitcoin Cash?
What is Bitcoin Cash?
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency that shares many of the same characteristics as Bitcoin (BTC) yet also integrates a number of changes and features that set it apart. It is considered a 'fork' of Bitcoin, although proponents argue that Bitcoin Cash more closely adheres to the original vision of creating a peer-to-peer electronic cash system as laid out in a 2008 white paper written by the founder of the protocol, a person or group going by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency that shares many of the same characteristics as Bitcoin (BTC) yet also integrates a number of changes and features that set it apart. It is considered a 'fork' of Bitcoin, although proponents argue that Bitcoin Cash more closely adheres to the original vision of creating a peer-to-peer electronic cash system as laid out in a 2008 white paper written by the founder of the protocol, a person or group going by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

Oct 26, 2023
Edmond Anthony

Oct 26, 2023
Edmond Anthony
Group Paradigms at Work
Group Paradigms at Work
They are ubiquitous. They show up in our conversations, books, families, careers, social life, movies, and companies of all types. They are new or old, big or small, comfortable or uncomfortable. What am I talking about? Paradigms.
They are ubiquitous. They show up in our conversations, books, families, careers, social life, movies, and companies of all types. They are new or old, big or small, comfortable or uncomfortable. What am I talking about? Paradigms.

Aug 15, 2023
Edmond Anthony

Aug 15, 2023
Edmond Anthony
Paradigms Exposed
Paradigms Exposed
The words, beliefs, and ideas of the people around you, what you heard on the radio, what you saw on television, and the way people talked to each other entered your subconscious mind with no filter. And think about this… Many of your parent’s thoughts and beliefs came from their parents and the same is true for their parents. So, you inherited beliefs that go back for generations.
The words, beliefs, and ideas of the people around you, what you heard on the radio, what you saw on television, and the way people talked to each other entered your subconscious mind with no filter. And think about this… Many of your parent’s thoughts and beliefs came from their parents and the same is true for their parents. So, you inherited beliefs that go back for generations.

Jul 17, 2023
Edmond Anthony

Jul 17, 2023
Edmond Anthony
The Importance of Having a Website Portfolio as a Model
The Importance of Having a Website Portfolio as a Model
Modeling is a competitive and constantly evolving industry, and in order to succeed as a model, it's crucial to have a professional and engaging online presence. A website portfolio is a powerful tool that can help you showcase your work, build your brand, and connect with potential clients and fans. Here's why having a website portfolio is so important for models.
Modeling is a competitive and constantly evolving industry, and in order to succeed as a model, it's crucial to have a professional and engaging online presence. A website portfolio is a powerful tool that can help you showcase your work, build your brand, and connect with potential clients and fans. Here's why having a website portfolio is so important for models.

Jun 15, 2023
Edmond Anthony

Jun 15, 2023
Edmond Anthony
Why Nigeria Needs to Adopt Cryptocurrency as a Legal Tender Due to the Shortage of Cash
Why Nigeria Needs to Adopt Cryptocurrency as a Legal Tender Due to the Shortage of Cash
Nigeria is one of the largest economies in Africa, and its financial landscape has seen significant changes over the past few years. One major challenge facing the country is the shortage of cash, which has made it difficult for people to access the funds they need to meet their daily needs. In this context, the adoption of cryptocurrency as a legal tender has the potential to provide a much-needed solution to this problem.
Nigeria is one of the largest economies in Africa, and its financial landscape has seen significant changes over the past few years. One major challenge facing the country is the shortage of cash, which has made it difficult for people to access the funds they need to meet their daily needs. In this context, the adoption of cryptocurrency as a legal tender has the potential to provide a much-needed solution to this problem.

May 10, 2023
Edmond Anthony

May 10, 2023
Edmond Anthony
The Power of Thought: Unlocking the Potential of the Human Mind
The Power of Thought: Unlocking the Potential of the Human Mind
The human mind is a remarkable tool, capable of processing vast amounts of information, learning new skills, and creating complex concepts and ideas. But one of its most remarkable abilities is the power of thought, the ability to think, reason, and imagine. Thought is a powerful force that has the ability to shape our lives and the world around us.
The human mind is a remarkable tool, capable of processing vast amounts of information, learning new skills, and creating complex concepts and ideas. But one of its most remarkable abilities is the power of thought, the ability to think, reason, and imagine. Thought is a powerful force that has the ability to shape our lives and the world around us.

Apr 6, 2023
Edmond Anthony

Apr 6, 2023
Edmond Anthony
Seven Universal Laws at a Glance
Seven Universal Laws at a Glance
Everything in this Universe, including you, boils down to energy, frequencies, and vibrations. And within this Universe, there are seven major Universal Laws or Principles that explain how energy, frequencies, and vibrations “work.” These laws, which are as real as the law of physics, dictate “the rules to the Game of Life” and how to consciously create the life we want.
Everything in this Universe, including you, boils down to energy, frequencies, and vibrations. And within this Universe, there are seven major Universal Laws or Principles that explain how energy, frequencies, and vibrations “work.” These laws, which are as real as the law of physics, dictate “the rules to the Game of Life” and how to consciously create the life we want.

Jan 2, 2023
Edmond Anthony

Jan 2, 2023
Edmond Anthony
21 ways to overcome procrastination and increase productivity.
21 ways to overcome procrastination and increase productivity.
Set clear goals and prioritize tasks: Prioritize tasks based on their level of importance and focus on the most important ones first.
Set clear goals and prioritize tasks: Prioritize tasks based on their level of importance and focus on the most important ones first.

Jan 1, 2023
Edmond Anthony

Jan 1, 2023
Edmond Anthony
The Power of Positive Thinking: Harnessing the Benefits of a Positive Mindset
The Power of Positive Thinking: Harnessing the Benefits of a Positive Mindset
Positive thinking has been a popular topic of discussion for many years, and with good reason. Research has shown that
Positive thinking has been a popular topic of discussion for many years, and with good reason. Research has shown that

12 Mins
Jan 5, 2024
Bob Proctor

12 Mins
Jan 5, 2024
Bob Proctor
I know what you’re thinking… Changing your paradigm is too hard. So I have a suggestion for you… Instead of trying to change your entire paradigm, focus on just one part of it. A part where you can start to see better results very quickly. I’m talking about paying attention to how you use your time. I guarantee if you become more mindful of how you spend your precious moments, you’ll enjoy a fuller, happier, more prosperous life. So let’s concentrate on just that for now.
To People That Want to Change Something In Their Life This Year

13 Mins
Jan 31, 2024
Bob Proctor

13 Mins
Jan 31, 2024
Bob Proctor
Have you ever wondered why many really bright people struggle in life? Or why sometimes, when we give something everything we’ve got, we just can’t seem to make it happen? Well, after several years of trying to figure it out, I was finally able to piece everything together. My interest in this topic began nearly 60 years ago after I experienced a life transformation. Up until that point, I had been chugging along in life—just like everyone I knew. I was a high school dropout with a series of dead-end jobs.
Update Your Mindset and Upgrade Your Life

5 Mins
Jan 3, 2024
Edmond Anthony

5 Mins
Jan 3, 2024
Edmond Anthony
Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency that achieved public awareness. It began as a payment method outside the control of governing bodies or other third parties. Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency created from a Bitcoin blockchain fork, which occurs when users resist change or reprogram a blockchain to operate the way they want it to. Bitcoin cash forked in 2017 after developer and user disagreements about the direction Bitcoin was heading.
Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash: What's the Difference?

8 Mins
Jan 1, 2024
Sandy Gallagher

8 Mins
Jan 1, 2024
Sandy Gallagher
How much do you plan to improve this year? Most people expect a gradual improvement in their performance and to receive a 2-10 percent increase in their pay or income as a result. However, in You2, Price Pritchett indicates that you don’t have to settle for systematic improvements where you move from one level of achievement to the next. He says you can make an “explosive jump” in your performance that puts you far beyond the next logical step.
Why Being Illogical is a Good Thing

10 Mins
Dec 10, 2023
Bob Proctor

10 Mins
Dec 10, 2023
Bob Proctor
This post isn’t just about you. It’s also about me… And most everyone else on the planet who wants to be, do or have more. Throughout my life, I’ve faced plenty of success-blocking paradigms. However, of all my harmful paradigms, the most damaging thing I used to believe was: What I think of myself doesn’t matter. I thought what other people think of me was what would make or break me. “They” would decide how much money I would make, what kind of relationships I could have, and how far I would go in life.
3 Common Paradigms That Block Success

9 Mins
Nov 17, 2023
Bob Proctor

9 Mins
Nov 17, 2023
Bob Proctor
There are four kinds of people in this world: those who make things happen those who watch things happen those who wonder what happened those that don’t know that anything happened! I love that quote from Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics. So, which group do you fall in? Although most people fall into the second, third, or fourth groups, I made up my mind a long time ago to be someone who makes things happen.
6 Habits That Shift Your Paradigm and Upgrade Your Life

11 Mins
Sep 30, 2023
Sandy Gallagher

11 Mins
Sep 30, 2023
Sandy Gallagher
What do cultures and paradigms have in common? A lot more than you might think. You and I have paradigms. We also have different a culture. However, a culture doesn’t have a paradigm; it is a paradigm. Culture is nothing but a group habit
What’s a Cultural Paradigm?

10 Mins
Oct 14, 2023

10 Mins
Oct 14, 2023
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency that shares many of the same characteristics as Bitcoin (BTC) yet also integrates a number of changes and features that set it apart. It is considered a 'fork' of Bitcoin, although proponents argue that Bitcoin Cash more closely adheres to the original vision of creating a peer-to-peer electronic cash system as laid out in a 2008 white paper written by the founder of the protocol, a person or group going by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.
What is Bitcoin Cash?

8 Mins
Oct 26, 2023
Sandy Gallgher

8 Mins
Oct 26, 2023
Sandy Gallgher
They are ubiquitous. They show up in our conversations, books, families, careers, social life, movies, and companies of all types. They are new or old, big or small, comfortable or uncomfortable. What am I talking about? Paradigms.
Group Paradigms at Work

10 Mins
Aug 15, 2023
Bob Proctor

10 Mins
Aug 15, 2023
Bob Proctor
The words, beliefs, and ideas of the people around you, what you heard on the radio, what you saw on television, and the way people talked to each other entered your subconscious mind with no filter. And think about this… Many of your parent’s thoughts and beliefs came from their parents and the same is true for their parents. So, you inherited beliefs that go back for generations.
Paradigms Exposed

3 Mins
Jul 17, 2023
Damilola Oyewo

3 Mins
Jul 17, 2023
Damilola Oyewo
Modeling is a competitive and constantly evolving industry, and in order to succeed as a model, it's crucial to have a professional and engaging online presence. A website portfolio is a powerful tool that can help you showcase your work, build your brand, and connect with potential clients and fans. Here's why having a website portfolio is so important for models.
The Importance of Having a Website Portfolio as a Model

3 Mins
Jun 15, 2023
Edmond Anthony

3 Mins
Jun 15, 2023
Edmond Anthony
Nigeria is one of the largest economies in Africa, and its financial landscape has seen significant changes over the past few years. One major challenge facing the country is the shortage of cash, which has made it difficult for people to access the funds they need to meet their daily needs. In this context, the adoption of cryptocurrency as a legal tender has the potential to provide a much-needed solution to this problem.
Why Nigeria Needs to Adopt Cryptocurrency as a Legal Tender Due to the Shortage of Cash

2 Mins
May 10, 2023
Edmond Anthony

2 Mins
May 10, 2023
Edmond Anthony
The human mind is a remarkable tool, capable of processing vast amounts of information, learning new skills, and creating complex concepts and ideas. But one of its most remarkable abilities is the power of thought, the ability to think, reason, and imagine. Thought is a powerful force that has the ability to shape our lives and the world around us.
The Power of Thought: Unlocking the Potential of the Human Mind

10 Mins
Apr 6, 2023
Sandy Gallagher

10 Mins
Apr 6, 2023
Sandy Gallagher
Everything in this Universe, including you, boils down to energy, frequencies, and vibrations. And within this Universe, there are seven major Universal Laws or Principles that explain how energy, frequencies, and vibrations “work.” These laws, which are as real as the law of physics, dictate “the rules to the Game of Life” and how to consciously create the life we want.
Seven Universal Laws at a Glance

3 Mins
Jan 2, 2023
Edmond Anthony

3 Mins
Jan 2, 2023
Edmond Anthony
Set clear goals and prioritize tasks: Prioritize tasks based on their level of importance and focus on the most important ones first.
21 ways to overcome procrastination and increase productivity.

2 Mins
Jan 1, 2023
Edmond Anthony

2 Mins
Jan 1, 2023
Edmond Anthony
Positive thinking has been a popular topic of discussion for many years, and with good reason. Research has shown that
The Power of Positive Thinking: Harnessing the Benefits of a Positive Mindset