Seven Universal Laws at a Glance

Sandy Gallagher
10 Mins
Apr 6, 2023
Everything in this Universe, including you, boils down to energy, frequencies, and vibrations. And within this Universe, there are seven major Universal Laws or Principles that explain how energy, frequencies, and vibrations “work.” These laws, which are as real as the law of physics, dictate “the rules to the Game of Life” and how to consciously create the life we want.
1. The Law of Attraction or Vibration
To understand the Law of Attraction, let’s first understand its underlying counterpart, the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration decrees that everything moves, or vibrates, nothing rests. Everything ever created, from the smallest atomic particle to the largest skyscraper, is in a constant state of energetic motion. Now, the thoughts you think and internalize (get emotionally involved with) are in control of the VIBRATION you’re in.
As you become conscious of this vibration, you refer to it as how you are “FEELING.” There is a connection between your FEELINGS, what you ATTRACT to yourself, and the RESULTS you get in your life.
The vibration, or feeling, you are in leads to the actions you take, and your actions create the results you experience in life. When you understand the Law of Attraction, instead of allowing the outside world to dictate what you think and how you feel inside, you start to live from the inside out by choosing and focusing on thoughts that align with what you want. This causes changes in your vibrational field to attract or create the results you seek in life.
2. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
This law explains that everything in the universe that we can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch, together with our emotions, is the manifestation of energy in various levels of vibration. Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation. Energy is the cause and effect of itself and can be neither created nor destroyed.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation decrees that energy (the nonphysical level of life) is always moving into physical form. Thoughts are energy; therefore, any idea or image that is held in the mind and properly nourished must move into its physical counterpart because the emotions are expressed through the body, and the body moves into action which produces the results.
This law explains the creative process. It also explains prayer. Prayer is the movement that takes place between spirit and form with and through you. 3. The Law of Rhythm The Law of Rhythm embodies the truth that everything is moving to and fro, flowing in and out, swinging backward and forward. It shows us that there is always a reaction to every action. This law governs the movement of the planets in their orbit and also manifests in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. It can be observed in the rising and setting of the sun and moon, ebb and flow of the tides, coming and going of the seasons, and in the rhythmic swing of consciousness and unconsciousness.
You are not going to feel good all of the time; no one does. If you did, you wouldn’t even know it. The low feelings are what permit you to enjoy the high feelings. When you are in a downswing, know the swing will change, and things will get better. Good times are coming—choose to think of them.
4. The Law of Relativity
In the study of this law, we find that all things are relative, including all laws.
All laws are related to each other and correspond with each other. Every law must be in harmony, agreement and correspond with each other. An understanding of the Law of Relativity will give you the means of solving many of the secrets of nature that seem paradoxical. For example, all rates of vibration are either high or low, only by comparison with those above or below them. All sizes are relative too. Imagine three dots labeled “A,” “B,” and “C.” “A” is the smallest dot, and “C” is the largest. When you relate “B” to “A,” “B” looks big. However, when you relate “B” to “C,” “B” looks small.
The obvious truth is that “B” is neither big nor small, “B” just “IS.” We make “B” what it is by how we work with this law. Everything in life just “IS.” We make a thing big or small, high or low, negative or positive by comparing it to something else. Recognize that everyone does something better than you and, likewise, you do something better than every person you meet. When you relate something you do that you are not proficient at, to something another person does that they have mastered, you will not look good. That is using the law against yourself. Instead, make a habit of using this law to your benefit—to heighten your self-esteem. You will then become aware of how special you are in the light of truth.
5. The Law of Polarity The Law of Polarity decrees everything in the universe has its opposite: hot—cold… good—bad…inside—outside. You have a right and left side to your body, a front and back. Every up has a down, and every down has an up.
The law of Polarity not only states that everything has an opposite … it is equal and opposite. If it were 3 feet from the floor up on to the table, it would be 3 feet from the table down to the floor; it could not be any other way. Step into your power by realizing and applying the Law of Polarity. Start using your mental faculty—perception—to see both sides of a person, situation or circumstance.
You will be empowered and inspired. Applying the Law of Polarity will help you move forward in the direction of your dreams because you will realize that everything in your life “just is” and you make it negative or positive by how you choose to think about the situation. It is your choices, not your circumstances, that will create the life you so desire. 6. The Law of Cause and Effect Ralph Waldo Emerson called the Law of Cause and Effect, “the Law of Laws.” This law decrees that whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action and re-action are equal and opposite. Everything in the entire universe happens according to law—there is no such thing as chance.
Every effect must have a cause; and in turn, that cause must have an effect. Thus, we have the perpetual, never-ending cycle of cause and effect. You are, of course, very interested in the effects in your life—your physical health, your relationships, the respect you earn, your income. You must concentrate on the CAUSE, and the EFFECT will automatically take care of itself. Say good things to everyone, treat everyone with respect, take care of your body and it will all come back. That is how the Law works.
7. The Law of Gender
The Law of Gender is, in truth, the Creative Law. This Law decrees that everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.
The Law of Gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. It also manifests in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. Without the dual principle of male and female in all things, there could not be a difference of potential, a perpetuation of motion, nor regeneration. All new things merely result in the changing of something that was, into something else that now is—a caterpillar into a butterfly or a thought into physical reality.
Consciousness, or thought, is the masculine energy, whereas the life force that brings form to the thought in physical reality is the feminine energy. Together, one experiences both the masculine and feminine energy, which is known as the creative process. The Law of Gender also decrees that all seeds (ideas are spiritual seeds) have a gestation or incubation period before they manifest. In other words, when you choose a goal or build the image in your mind, a definite period of time must elapse before that image manifests in physical results. For anything to grow, however, it requires energy.
Plants require solar energy, for example. Our thoughts and ideas thrive on the energy we give them. In fact, there is one way to shorten the incubation period needed for an idea to manifest into physical form — through concentration. The concentration of thought relative to an idea increases more energy on that idea, bringing it more quickly into manifestation. Do you want to become a master at creating what you want? Understanding these laws will help you become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own reality. If that’s what you want for your life, read this post again and learn more about each law because anything is possible when you begin to live in harmony with these laws.
To more and better, Sandy Gallagher.
Source: Proctor Gallagher Institute

Seven Universal Laws at a Glance

Apr 6, 2023
Apr 6, 2023
Sandy Gallagher
Apr 6, 2023
10 Mins
Sandy Gallagher
4 Mins
Oct 19, 2023
Greenlife Tv Africa
Afro Fusion
Oct 19, 2023
Everything in this Universe, including you, boils down to energy, frequencies, and vibrations. And within this Universe, there are seven major Universal Laws or Principles that explain how energy, frequencies, and vibrations “work.” These laws, which are as real as the law of physics, dictate “the rules to the Game of Life” and how to consciously create the life we want.
1. The Law of Attraction or Vibration
To understand the Law of Attraction, let’s first understand its underlying counterpart, the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration decrees that everything moves, or vibrates, nothing rests. Everything ever created, from the smallest atomic particle to the largest skyscraper, is in a constant state of energetic motion. Now, the thoughts you think and internalize (get emotionally involved with) are in control of the VIBRATION you’re in.
As you become conscious of this vibration, you refer to it as how you are “FEELING.” There is a connection between your FEELINGS, what you ATTRACT to yourself, and the RESULTS you get in your life.
The vibration, or feeling, you are in leads to the actions you take, and your actions create the results you experience in life. When you understand the Law of Attraction, instead of allowing the outside world to dictate what you think and how you feel inside, you start to live from the inside out by choosing and focusing on thoughts that align with what you want. This causes changes in your vibrational field to attract or create the results you seek in life.
2. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
This law explains that everything in the universe that we can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch, together with our emotions, is the manifestation of energy in various levels of vibration. Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation. Energy is the cause and effect of itself and can be neither created nor destroyed.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation decrees that energy (the nonphysical level of life) is always moving into physical form. Thoughts are energy; therefore, any idea or image that is held in the mind and properly nourished must move into its physical counterpart because the emotions are expressed through the body, and the body moves into action which produces the results.
This law explains the creative process. It also explains prayer. Prayer is the movement that takes place between spirit and form with and through you. 3. The Law of Rhythm The Law of Rhythm embodies the truth that everything is moving to and fro, flowing in and out, swinging backward and forward. It shows us that there is always a reaction to every action. This law governs the movement of the planets in their orbit and also manifests in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. It can be observed in the rising and setting of the sun and moon, ebb and flow of the tides, coming and going of the seasons, and in the rhythmic swing of consciousness and unconsciousness.
You are not going to feel good all of the time; no one does. If you did, you wouldn’t even know it. The low feelings are what permit you to enjoy the high feelings. When you are in a downswing, know the swing will change, and things will get better. Good times are coming—choose to think of them.
4. The Law of Relativity
In the study of this law, we find that all things are relative, including all laws.
All laws are related to each other and correspond with each other. Every law must be in harmony, agreement and correspond with each other. An understanding of the Law of Relativity will give you the means of solving many of the secrets of nature that seem paradoxical. For example, all rates of vibration are either high or low, only by comparison with those above or below them. All sizes are relative too. Imagine three dots labeled “A,” “B,” and “C.” “A” is the smallest dot, and “C” is the largest. When you relate “B” to “A,” “B” looks big. However, when you relate “B” to “C,” “B” looks small.
The obvious truth is that “B” is neither big nor small, “B” just “IS.” We make “B” what it is by how we work with this law. Everything in life just “IS.” We make a thing big or small, high or low, negative or positive by comparing it to something else. Recognize that everyone does something better than you and, likewise, you do something better than every person you meet. When you relate something you do that you are not proficient at, to something another person does that they have mastered, you will not look good. That is using the law against yourself. Instead, make a habit of using this law to your benefit—to heighten your self-esteem. You will then become aware of how special you are in the light of truth.
5. The Law of Polarity The Law of Polarity decrees everything in the universe has its opposite: hot—cold… good—bad…inside—outside. You have a right and left side to your body, a front and back. Every up has a down, and every down has an up.
The law of Polarity not only states that everything has an opposite … it is equal and opposite. If it were 3 feet from the floor up on to the table, it would be 3 feet from the table down to the floor; it could not be any other way. Step into your power by realizing and applying the Law of Polarity. Start using your mental faculty—perception—to see both sides of a person, situation or circumstance.
You will be empowered and inspired. Applying the Law of Polarity will help you move forward in the direction of your dreams because you will realize that everything in your life “just is” and you make it negative or positive by how you choose to think about the situation. It is your choices, not your circumstances, that will create the life you so desire. 6. The Law of Cause and Effect Ralph Waldo Emerson called the Law of Cause and Effect, “the Law of Laws.” This law decrees that whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action and re-action are equal and opposite. Everything in the entire universe happens according to law—there is no such thing as chance.
Every effect must have a cause; and in turn, that cause must have an effect. Thus, we have the perpetual, never-ending cycle of cause and effect. You are, of course, very interested in the effects in your life—your physical health, your relationships, the respect you earn, your income. You must concentrate on the CAUSE, and the EFFECT will automatically take care of itself. Say good things to everyone, treat everyone with respect, take care of your body and it will all come back. That is how the Law works.
7. The Law of Gender
The Law of Gender is, in truth, the Creative Law. This Law decrees that everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.
The Law of Gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. It also manifests in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. Without the dual principle of male and female in all things, there could not be a difference of potential, a perpetuation of motion, nor regeneration. All new things merely result in the changing of something that was, into something else that now is—a caterpillar into a butterfly or a thought into physical reality.
Consciousness, or thought, is the masculine energy, whereas the life force that brings form to the thought in physical reality is the feminine energy. Together, one experiences both the masculine and feminine energy, which is known as the creative process. The Law of Gender also decrees that all seeds (ideas are spiritual seeds) have a gestation or incubation period before they manifest. In other words, when you choose a goal or build the image in your mind, a definite period of time must elapse before that image manifests in physical results. For anything to grow, however, it requires energy.
Plants require solar energy, for example. Our thoughts and ideas thrive on the energy we give them. In fact, there is one way to shorten the incubation period needed for an idea to manifest into physical form — through concentration. The concentration of thought relative to an idea increases more energy on that idea, bringing it more quickly into manifestation. Do you want to become a master at creating what you want? Understanding these laws will help you become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own reality. If that’s what you want for your life, read this post again and learn more about each law because anything is possible when you begin to live in harmony with these laws.
To more and better, Sandy Gallagher.
Source: Proctor Gallagher Institute

Everything in this Universe, including you, boils down to energy, frequencies, and vibrations. And within this Universe, there are seven major Universal Laws or Principles that explain how energy, frequencies, and vibrations “work.” These laws, which are as real as the law of physics, dictate “the rules to the Game of Life” and how to consciously create the life we want.
1. The Law of Attraction or Vibration
To understand the Law of Attraction, let’s first understand its underlying counterpart, the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration decrees that everything moves, or vibrates, nothing rests. Everything ever created, from the smallest atomic particle to the largest skyscraper, is in a constant state of energetic motion. Now, the thoughts you think and internalize (get emotionally involved with) are in control of the VIBRATION you’re in.
As you become conscious of this vibration, you refer to it as how you are “FEELING.” There is a connection between your FEELINGS, what you ATTRACT to yourself, and the RESULTS you get in your life.
The vibration, or feeling, you are in leads to the actions you take, and your actions create the results you experience in life. When you understand the Law of Attraction, instead of allowing the outside world to dictate what you think and how you feel inside, you start to live from the inside out by choosing and focusing on thoughts that align with what you want. This causes changes in your vibrational field to attract or create the results you seek in life.
2. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
This law explains that everything in the universe that we can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch, together with our emotions, is the manifestation of energy in various levels of vibration. Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation. Energy is the cause and effect of itself and can be neither created nor destroyed.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation decrees that energy (the nonphysical level of life) is always moving into physical form. Thoughts are energy; therefore, any idea or image that is held in the mind and properly nourished must move into its physical counterpart because the emotions are expressed through the body, and the body moves into action which produces the results.
This law explains the creative process. It also explains prayer. Prayer is the movement that takes place between spirit and form with and through you. 3. The Law of Rhythm The Law of Rhythm embodies the truth that everything is moving to and fro, flowing in and out, swinging backward and forward. It shows us that there is always a reaction to every action. This law governs the movement of the planets in their orbit and also manifests in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. It can be observed in the rising and setting of the sun and moon, ebb and flow of the tides, coming and going of the seasons, and in the rhythmic swing of consciousness and unconsciousness.
You are not going to feel good all of the time; no one does. If you did, you wouldn’t even know it. The low feelings are what permit you to enjoy the high feelings. When you are in a downswing, know the swing will change, and things will get better. Good times are coming—choose to think of them.
4. The Law of Relativity
In the study of this law, we find that all things are relative, including all laws.
All laws are related to each other and correspond with each other. Every law must be in harmony, agreement and correspond with each other. An understanding of the Law of Relativity will give you the means of solving many of the secrets of nature that seem paradoxical. For example, all rates of vibration are either high or low, only by comparison with those above or below them. All sizes are relative too. Imagine three dots labeled “A,” “B,” and “C.” “A” is the smallest dot, and “C” is the largest. When you relate “B” to “A,” “B” looks big. However, when you relate “B” to “C,” “B” looks small.
The obvious truth is that “B” is neither big nor small, “B” just “IS.” We make “B” what it is by how we work with this law. Everything in life just “IS.” We make a thing big or small, high or low, negative or positive by comparing it to something else. Recognize that everyone does something better than you and, likewise, you do something better than every person you meet. When you relate something you do that you are not proficient at, to something another person does that they have mastered, you will not look good. That is using the law against yourself. Instead, make a habit of using this law to your benefit—to heighten your self-esteem. You will then become aware of how special you are in the light of truth.
5. The Law of Polarity The Law of Polarity decrees everything in the universe has its opposite: hot—cold… good—bad…inside—outside. You have a right and left side to your body, a front and back. Every up has a down, and every down has an up.
The law of Polarity not only states that everything has an opposite … it is equal and opposite. If it were 3 feet from the floor up on to the table, it would be 3 feet from the table down to the floor; it could not be any other way. Step into your power by realizing and applying the Law of Polarity. Start using your mental faculty—perception—to see both sides of a person, situation or circumstance.
You will be empowered and inspired. Applying the Law of Polarity will help you move forward in the direction of your dreams because you will realize that everything in your life “just is” and you make it negative or positive by how you choose to think about the situation. It is your choices, not your circumstances, that will create the life you so desire. 6. The Law of Cause and Effect Ralph Waldo Emerson called the Law of Cause and Effect, “the Law of Laws.” This law decrees that whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action and re-action are equal and opposite. Everything in the entire universe happens according to law—there is no such thing as chance.
Every effect must have a cause; and in turn, that cause must have an effect. Thus, we have the perpetual, never-ending cycle of cause and effect. You are, of course, very interested in the effects in your life—your physical health, your relationships, the respect you earn, your income. You must concentrate on the CAUSE, and the EFFECT will automatically take care of itself. Say good things to everyone, treat everyone with respect, take care of your body and it will all come back. That is how the Law works.
7. The Law of Gender
The Law of Gender is, in truth, the Creative Law. This Law decrees that everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.
The Law of Gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. It also manifests in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. Without the dual principle of male and female in all things, there could not be a difference of potential, a perpetuation of motion, nor regeneration. All new things merely result in the changing of something that was, into something else that now is—a caterpillar into a butterfly or a thought into physical reality.
Consciousness, or thought, is the masculine energy, whereas the life force that brings form to the thought in physical reality is the feminine energy. Together, one experiences both the masculine and feminine energy, which is known as the creative process. The Law of Gender also decrees that all seeds (ideas are spiritual seeds) have a gestation or incubation period before they manifest. In other words, when you choose a goal or build the image in your mind, a definite period of time must elapse before that image manifests in physical results. For anything to grow, however, it requires energy.
Plants require solar energy, for example. Our thoughts and ideas thrive on the energy we give them. In fact, there is one way to shorten the incubation period needed for an idea to manifest into physical form — through concentration. The concentration of thought relative to an idea increases more energy on that idea, bringing it more quickly into manifestation. Do you want to become a master at creating what you want? Understanding these laws will help you become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own reality. If that’s what you want for your life, read this post again and learn more about each law because anything is possible when you begin to live in harmony with these laws.
To more and better, Sandy Gallagher.
Source: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Seven Universal Laws at a Glance

Everything in this Universe, including you, boils down to energy, frequencies, and vibrations. And within this Universe, there are seven major Universal Laws or Principles that explain how energy, frequencies, and vibrations “work.” These laws, which are as real as the law of physics, dictate “the rules to the Game of Life” and how to consciously create the life we want.
1. The Law of Attraction or Vibration
To understand the Law of Attraction, let’s first understand its underlying counterpart, the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration decrees that everything moves, or vibrates, nothing rests. Everything ever created, from the smallest atomic particle to the largest skyscraper, is in a constant state of energetic motion. Now, the thoughts you think and internalize (get emotionally involved with) are in control of the VIBRATION you’re in.
As you become conscious of this vibration, you refer to it as how you are “FEELING.” There is a connection between your FEELINGS, what you ATTRACT to yourself, and the RESULTS you get in your life.
The vibration, or feeling, you are in leads to the actions you take, and your actions create the results you experience in life. When you understand the Law of Attraction, instead of allowing the outside world to dictate what you think and how you feel inside, you start to live from the inside out by choosing and focusing on thoughts that align with what you want. This causes changes in your vibrational field to attract or create the results you seek in life.
2. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
This law explains that everything in the universe that we can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch, together with our emotions, is the manifestation of energy in various levels of vibration. Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation. Energy is the cause and effect of itself and can be neither created nor destroyed.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation decrees that energy (the nonphysical level of life) is always moving into physical form. Thoughts are energy; therefore, any idea or image that is held in the mind and properly nourished must move into its physical counterpart because the emotions are expressed through the body, and the body moves into action which produces the results.
This law explains the creative process. It also explains prayer. Prayer is the movement that takes place between spirit and form with and through you. 3. The Law of Rhythm The Law of Rhythm embodies the truth that everything is moving to and fro, flowing in and out, swinging backward and forward. It shows us that there is always a reaction to every action. This law governs the movement of the planets in their orbit and also manifests in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. It can be observed in the rising and setting of the sun and moon, ebb and flow of the tides, coming and going of the seasons, and in the rhythmic swing of consciousness and unconsciousness.
You are not going to feel good all of the time; no one does. If you did, you wouldn’t even know it. The low feelings are what permit you to enjoy the high feelings. When you are in a downswing, know the swing will change, and things will get better. Good times are coming—choose to think of them.
4. The Law of Relativity
In the study of this law, we find that all things are relative, including all laws.
All laws are related to each other and correspond with each other. Every law must be in harmony, agreement and correspond with each other. An understanding of the Law of Relativity will give you the means of solving many of the secrets of nature that seem paradoxical. For example, all rates of vibration are either high or low, only by comparison with those above or below them. All sizes are relative too. Imagine three dots labeled “A,” “B,” and “C.” “A” is the smallest dot, and “C” is the largest. When you relate “B” to “A,” “B” looks big. However, when you relate “B” to “C,” “B” looks small.
The obvious truth is that “B” is neither big nor small, “B” just “IS.” We make “B” what it is by how we work with this law. Everything in life just “IS.” We make a thing big or small, high or low, negative or positive by comparing it to something else. Recognize that everyone does something better than you and, likewise, you do something better than every person you meet. When you relate something you do that you are not proficient at, to something another person does that they have mastered, you will not look good. That is using the law against yourself. Instead, make a habit of using this law to your benefit—to heighten your self-esteem. You will then become aware of how special you are in the light of truth.
5. The Law of Polarity The Law of Polarity decrees everything in the universe has its opposite: hot—cold… good—bad…inside—outside. You have a right and left side to your body, a front and back. Every up has a down, and every down has an up.
The law of Polarity not only states that everything has an opposite … it is equal and opposite. If it were 3 feet from the floor up on to the table, it would be 3 feet from the table down to the floor; it could not be any other way. Step into your power by realizing and applying the Law of Polarity. Start using your mental faculty—perception—to see both sides of a person, situation or circumstance.
You will be empowered and inspired. Applying the Law of Polarity will help you move forward in the direction of your dreams because you will realize that everything in your life “just is” and you make it negative or positive by how you choose to think about the situation. It is your choices, not your circumstances, that will create the life you so desire. 6. The Law of Cause and Effect Ralph Waldo Emerson called the Law of Cause and Effect, “the Law of Laws.” This law decrees that whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action and re-action are equal and opposite. Everything in the entire universe happens according to law—there is no such thing as chance.
Every effect must have a cause; and in turn, that cause must have an effect. Thus, we have the perpetual, never-ending cycle of cause and effect. You are, of course, very interested in the effects in your life—your physical health, your relationships, the respect you earn, your income. You must concentrate on the CAUSE, and the EFFECT will automatically take care of itself. Say good things to everyone, treat everyone with respect, take care of your body and it will all come back. That is how the Law works.
7. The Law of Gender
The Law of Gender is, in truth, the Creative Law. This Law decrees that everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.
The Law of Gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. It also manifests in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. Without the dual principle of male and female in all things, there could not be a difference of potential, a perpetuation of motion, nor regeneration. All new things merely result in the changing of something that was, into something else that now is—a caterpillar into a butterfly or a thought into physical reality.
Consciousness, or thought, is the masculine energy, whereas the life force that brings form to the thought in physical reality is the feminine energy. Together, one experiences both the masculine and feminine energy, which is known as the creative process. The Law of Gender also decrees that all seeds (ideas are spiritual seeds) have a gestation or incubation period before they manifest. In other words, when you choose a goal or build the image in your mind, a definite period of time must elapse before that image manifests in physical results. For anything to grow, however, it requires energy.
Plants require solar energy, for example. Our thoughts and ideas thrive on the energy we give them. In fact, there is one way to shorten the incubation period needed for an idea to manifest into physical form — through concentration. The concentration of thought relative to an idea increases more energy on that idea, bringing it more quickly into manifestation. Do you want to become a master at creating what you want? Understanding these laws will help you become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own reality. If that’s what you want for your life, read this post again and learn more about each law because anything is possible when you begin to live in harmony with these laws.
To more and better, Sandy Gallagher.
Source: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Everything in this Universe, including you, boils down to energy, frequencies, and vibrations. And within this Universe, there are seven major Universal Laws or Principles that explain how energy, frequencies, and vibrations “work.” These laws, which are as real as the law of physics, dictate “the rules to the Game of Life” and how to consciously create the life we want.
1. The Law of Attraction or Vibration
To understand the Law of Attraction, let’s first understand its underlying counterpart, the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration decrees that everything moves, or vibrates, nothing rests. Everything ever created, from the smallest atomic particle to the largest skyscraper, is in a constant state of energetic motion. Now, the thoughts you think and internalize (get emotionally involved with) are in control of the VIBRATION you’re in.
As you become conscious of this vibration, you refer to it as how you are “FEELING.” There is a connection between your FEELINGS, what you ATTRACT to yourself, and the RESULTS you get in your life.
The vibration, or feeling, you are in leads to the actions you take, and your actions create the results you experience in life. When you understand the Law of Attraction, instead of allowing the outside world to dictate what you think and how you feel inside, you start to live from the inside out by choosing and focusing on thoughts that align with what you want. This causes changes in your vibrational field to attract or create the results you seek in life.
2. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
This law explains that everything in the universe that we can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch, together with our emotions, is the manifestation of energy in various levels of vibration. Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation. Energy is the cause and effect of itself and can be neither created nor destroyed.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation decrees that energy (the nonphysical level of life) is always moving into physical form. Thoughts are energy; therefore, any idea or image that is held in the mind and properly nourished must move into its physical counterpart because the emotions are expressed through the body, and the body moves into action which produces the results.
This law explains the creative process. It also explains prayer. Prayer is the movement that takes place between spirit and form with and through you. 3. The Law of Rhythm The Law of Rhythm embodies the truth that everything is moving to and fro, flowing in and out, swinging backward and forward. It shows us that there is always a reaction to every action. This law governs the movement of the planets in their orbit and also manifests in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. It can be observed in the rising and setting of the sun and moon, ebb and flow of the tides, coming and going of the seasons, and in the rhythmic swing of consciousness and unconsciousness.
You are not going to feel good all of the time; no one does. If you did, you wouldn’t even know it. The low feelings are what permit you to enjoy the high feelings. When you are in a downswing, know the swing will change, and things will get better. Good times are coming—choose to think of them.
4. The Law of Relativity
In the study of this law, we find that all things are relative, including all laws.
All laws are related to each other and correspond with each other. Every law must be in harmony, agreement and correspond with each other. An understanding of the Law of Relativity will give you the means of solving many of the secrets of nature that seem paradoxical. For example, all rates of vibration are either high or low, only by comparison with those above or below them. All sizes are relative too. Imagine three dots labeled “A,” “B,” and “C.” “A” is the smallest dot, and “C” is the largest. When you relate “B” to “A,” “B” looks big. However, when you relate “B” to “C,” “B” looks small.
The obvious truth is that “B” is neither big nor small, “B” just “IS.” We make “B” what it is by how we work with this law. Everything in life just “IS.” We make a thing big or small, high or low, negative or positive by comparing it to something else. Recognize that everyone does something better than you and, likewise, you do something better than every person you meet. When you relate something you do that you are not proficient at, to something another person does that they have mastered, you will not look good. That is using the law against yourself. Instead, make a habit of using this law to your benefit—to heighten your self-esteem. You will then become aware of how special you are in the light of truth.
5. The Law of Polarity The Law of Polarity decrees everything in the universe has its opposite: hot—cold… good—bad…inside—outside. You have a right and left side to your body, a front and back. Every up has a down, and every down has an up.
The law of Polarity not only states that everything has an opposite … it is equal and opposite. If it were 3 feet from the floor up on to the table, it would be 3 feet from the table down to the floor; it could not be any other way. Step into your power by realizing and applying the Law of Polarity. Start using your mental faculty—perception—to see both sides of a person, situation or circumstance.
You will be empowered and inspired. Applying the Law of Polarity will help you move forward in the direction of your dreams because you will realize that everything in your life “just is” and you make it negative or positive by how you choose to think about the situation. It is your choices, not your circumstances, that will create the life you so desire. 6. The Law of Cause and Effect Ralph Waldo Emerson called the Law of Cause and Effect, “the Law of Laws.” This law decrees that whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action and re-action are equal and opposite. Everything in the entire universe happens according to law—there is no such thing as chance.
Every effect must have a cause; and in turn, that cause must have an effect. Thus, we have the perpetual, never-ending cycle of cause and effect. You are, of course, very interested in the effects in your life—your physical health, your relationships, the respect you earn, your income. You must concentrate on the CAUSE, and the EFFECT will automatically take care of itself. Say good things to everyone, treat everyone with respect, take care of your body and it will all come back. That is how the Law works.
7. The Law of Gender
The Law of Gender is, in truth, the Creative Law. This Law decrees that everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.
The Law of Gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. It also manifests in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. Without the dual principle of male and female in all things, there could not be a difference of potential, a perpetuation of motion, nor regeneration. All new things merely result in the changing of something that was, into something else that now is—a caterpillar into a butterfly or a thought into physical reality.
Consciousness, or thought, is the masculine energy, whereas the life force that brings form to the thought in physical reality is the feminine energy. Together, one experiences both the masculine and feminine energy, which is known as the creative process. The Law of Gender also decrees that all seeds (ideas are spiritual seeds) have a gestation or incubation period before they manifest. In other words, when you choose a goal or build the image in your mind, a definite period of time must elapse before that image manifests in physical results. For anything to grow, however, it requires energy.
Plants require solar energy, for example. Our thoughts and ideas thrive on the energy we give them. In fact, there is one way to shorten the incubation period needed for an idea to manifest into physical form — through concentration. The concentration of thought relative to an idea increases more energy on that idea, bringing it more quickly into manifestation. Do you want to become a master at creating what you want? Understanding these laws will help you become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own reality. If that’s what you want for your life, read this post again and learn more about each law because anything is possible when you begin to live in harmony with these laws.
To more and better, Sandy Gallagher.
Source: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Sandy Gallagher
10 Mins
Apr 6, 2023
Sandy Gallagher
10 Mins
Apr 6, 2023